(for example my one is (O:)ħ: On Windows 7 you have to go to "Organize" and then "Folder and search options" and then "View", then click on Show hidden files, folder, and uncheck Hide protected operating system files. Game_categories.prx (Categorize homebrew)ġ: Download BTCNF Editor for your PSP model.Ģ: Extract the zip file using 7zip or winRAR.ģ: Press SELECT on your PSP to bring up the VSH MENU.ĥ: Connect PSP to computer using USB cable.Ħ: Go to "My Computer" then open your PSP USB drive. I will add these plugins to my flash0:/KD/įx_powerspoof.prx (Update PSP even with 20% or less charge)Ĭfe_loader.prx (Custom Firmware Extender) Only for PSP 1000/2000 with pandorable motherboard's.įor this tutorial I will use 6.39 ME-9 for example. In this tutorial I will show you how to install your favorite plugins on your PSP. How To Install A Plugin To Flash0 Tutorial For Advanced Users: Pops = The Plugin will be loaded in Playstation One games. Game = The Plugin will be loaded in GAME. To add more then one Plugin to your vsh.txt / game.txt / pops.txt just add them like this. Ms0: = Memory Stick ef0: = PSP GOs 16GB Storage.

You can also Enable or Disable plugins by adding a 0 or 1 at the end of your Plugin path.

ġ0: Now you can Enable or Disable a Plugin from there.ġ1: To load the Custom Firmware Extender (Press NOTE+ R). ĩ: In the Recovery Menu go down to the option Plugins. ħ: Edit your own or copy the included text files named vsh and game into your seplugins folder.Ĩ: Disconnect USB mode and go to your PSP Recovery Menu by turning your PSP Off and turning it back On while holding down Right Trigger. In this example we will run "Custom Firmware Extender v3.1" which you can download below.ġ: Download Custom Firmware Extender v3.1.Ģ: Extract Custom_Firmware_Extender_3.1.zip file using 7zip or winRAR.ģ: Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.ĥ: If you don't already have a seplugins folder on your PSP memory stick copy the seplugins folder which was included in the download to the ROOT of your memory stick.Ħ: You will also see that the Custom Firmware Extender is in the seplugins folder named cfe.