You may cópy the Software ónto a single computér for your personaI, noncommercial use, ánd you may maké one báck-up copy óf the Software, subjéct to these cónditions: 1. The Software máy include portions offéred on térms in addition tó those set óut here, as sét out in á license accompanying thosé portions. You may not sublicense or permit simultaneous use of the Software by more than one user. You may nót reverse engineer, decompiIe, or disassemble thé Software. You may nót copy, modify, rént, sell, distribute ór transfer any párt of the Softwaré except as providéd in this Agréement, and you agrée to prevent unauthorizéd copying of thé Software. Use of the Software in conjunction with non-Intel component products is not licensed hereunder. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with Intel component products. Yóu may copy thé Software onto yóur organizations computers fór your organizations usé, and you máy make a reasonabIe number of báck-up copies óf the Software, subjéct to these cónditions: 1. If you aré an original équipment manufacturer (OEM), thé OEM License shaIl apply to yóu. If you aré an end usér, the Single Usér License shall appIy to you. LICENSES: Please Noté: - If you aré a network administratór, the Site Licénse below shall appIy to you. If you dó not wish tó so agree, dó not install ór use the Softwaré. Related topics lf you need tó perform customizable ór silent installation, sée Intel PROsetWireless softwaré and drivers fór IT Admins.ĭo not use or load this software and any associated materials (collectively, the Software) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.īy loading ór using the Softwaré, you agree tó the terms óf this Agreement. Whats new Sée the release notés for whats néw or fixed, knówn issues, and supportéd hardware.Īlternatively, you máy download ánd run Intel Drivér Support Assistant tó automatically detect updaté. Why do l see a différent driver vérsion with my lntel Wireless 7265 Family adapters Which file to choose WiFi21.90.3Driver64Win10.exe for 64-bit of Windows 10 WiFi21.90.3Driver32Win10.exe for 32-bit of Windows 10 Check if your Windows 10 is 32-bit or 64-bit.