The playable tanks themselves are modded in quite good detail and like any sim, both keyboard commands and relevant skills need to be learned. This has just three playable tanks, T-34-85, T-55 and T-72 (just the last two in the Gastello mod), a very basic map interface (an early version of the SF version) and very small-scale missions - often you have just your own tank to worry about, friend and foe being otherwise scripted. In between SF and SB/SABOW, in terms of learning curve, there are some options, like Iron Warriors - T-72 Tank Command/Balkans on Fire. SABOW is a very good tanksim indeed, in the SB class IMHO, but I'd rate it as taking the most time to master. SABOW scores in having much prettier environments and fully animated crews (despite less demanding system requirements) and it includes several dynamic campaigns. And of course SB has many more playable AFVs and includes better theatres for tanking.

The SB map interface with its drop-down menus I'm finding a LOT easier to (re-)learn than SABOW's icon-based approach. Playing simpler scenarios with less complex situations and fewer assets to manage can help and of course there are many tutorial missions in both sims. In short while obviously not the whole gamut, you need to master similar skills and knowledge to the officers and men who use SB for actual training. And both SABOW and SB have much more sophisticated map interfaces, since as well as controlling your own tank, these sims put you in the role of controlling all the platoons on your own side (beyond what scripting a mission designer may have built in) - which includes keeping track of, making plans for and giving orders to not just to your own tank and your own platoon, but other sub-units including mech infantry and managing artillery and drones (and even some close air support). Not only do the tanks have more complex fire control systems, they tend to differ more between tanks. There's just more to learn with sims which cover the more complicated modern tanks, ie SABOW and SB. There's still a fair number of keyboard commands to learn and some skills to acquire, particularly gunnery. The missions/scenarios tend to be straightforward attacks with no planning or command and control required, beyond your own tank and your own (typically three tank) platoon.

The tanks are *relatively* simple to master and the map interface, likewise (if only because you can't do much from the map!).

If you're after a good one that can be learned fairly quickly, I'd recommend a WW2 one like Steel Fury with either the JCM or ITM mods. Lima, how complicated are these vehicles to operate? I'd like to take up a tank sim, but worry the learning curve for this sim would be too steep in terms of the limited time I can commit to itĪ tankSIM that can be picked up quickly is a bit of a contradiction in terms, methinks!